

| - | comments (11) | trackback (x) |
There's a terrific amount of kngelwdoe in this article!
| Parmelia | EMAIL | URL | 16/04/20 22:43 |
It\'s about time someone wrote about this.
| flavors.me | EMAIL | URL | 14/02/19 10:40 |
I really appreciate free, succinct, reliable data like this.
| for impotence cures | EMAIL | URL | 14/02/13 13:44 |
This is a neat summary. Thanks for sharing!
| insurance companies list of life | EMAIL | URL | 14/02/02 04:24 |
Woot, I will certainly put this to good use!
| news | EMAIL | URL | 14/01/19 20:30 |
You\'ve captured this perfectly. Thanks for taking the time!
| doxycycline | EMAIL | URL | 14/01/19 11:07 |
That\\\'s an inventive answer to an interesting question
| buy viagra online usa | EMAIL | URL | 14/01/16 12:21 |
Excellent article that brings to light the refusal of many to allow debate or conflicting views in Mainstream Media. As for Latika, her blocking is getting legendary on Twitter, she is now rivalling if not overshadowing the blocking of Joe Hockey. For myself I was blocked after posting the following;“Careful there Latika you almost got the facts right that time”.. Clearly a very abusive and hostile Tweet indeed..I recently wrote of similar practices occurring in newspaper columns under “opinion” pieces. I cant help but notice that once a Journo puts the slipper fair into any person the comment availability is always disabled. This is not condusive to sharing thoughts, beliefs or opinions. It is however indicative of ramming opinions down peoples throats and attacking a persons reputation while removing any and all right of reply or appeal.The new breed of Journalist is far more interested in looks, money and gaining a prime time TV slot than they are reporting facts, or telling truth before scoring career points.Ethics in Mainstream Media, what are those?Latika I fear is the future, not just a passing phase.
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